Networking breakfasts, coffee breaks and lunches
Throughout the Summit programme there are extended coffee breaks and lunches to maximise your networking time without missing out on any key sessions.
Networking is at the heart of the Lisbon Energy Summit & Exhibition. Across 14 hours of networking, attendees can connect during breakfasts, networking lunches, pre-scheduled meetings via the app and a networking drinks reception.
Over three days, 2,000+ energy professionals will meet to challenge existing norms, stimulate collaboration, and showcase innovation. They will explore opportunities and share insights into transitioning the E.U.’s energy system to one based on renewables and in line with the REPowerEU strategic initiatives.
Decision-makers from over 50 countries will hear strategic insights from 300+ industry leading speakers to implement into their organisations, for a cleaner, greener future. A busy exhibition hall of 100+ sponsors and exhibitors, full of new solutions covering decarbonisation use cases, energy management, solar and wind generation and hydrogen, will showcase the technology that will take us closer to a net zero future, whilst a full programme of technical presentations will cover projects and roadmaps for implementation.